One of GameSkinny’s core tenets is that we are here to help you become better gaming journalists. In the spirit of this philosophy we’re bringing you an eBook entitled “A Crash Course in Games Journalism: The Basics.” We’re hoping to bring you a comprehensive guide for all aspiring game journalists on the basics for writing quality and effective content. 

But for this part, we need your help. 

Everyone knows that you judge a book by its cover, and for a book this cool we’re going to need a pretty awesome cover. With that in mind, we’ve designed three covers and we’re looking to you, our GameSkinny community, to help us find the perfect one. 

In the comments below, let us know what your favorite eBook cover is. Which one would you pick up in the bookstore? And if you have any thoughts, be sure to share them. This project is a community endeavor and we’re excited to share this with you. 

Cover 1



Cover 2

Cover 3

Do you have a favorite? Please let us know in the comments below!