When features like Google Maps and Waze came into the market, the first thing they did was open access to many roads. People can now visit any place with just their fingertips and, with the help of f-map, they can visit any local place, restaurant, or ATM. These apps are improving their app experience day by day. 

Waze vs Google Maps:

Maps are a wonderful invention for human life; they not only help us choose physical routes, but they also help us make mental paths. Google Maps, founded in the year 2005, is a mix-up of all kinds of services that a visitor to a new place might need. They have restaurant ATMs, local service addresses, and much more on them. It is designed to help people in any situation and by any means of transportation.

However, Waze was founded in the year 2008 and then acquired by Google in the year 2013. Waze has a slightly different interface than Google and is specifically designed for drivers. Drivers can use them to mark anything on-road and let other people travel smoothly. They don’t have many features like Google Maps, but for drivers, it’s more convenient.

Similarities between Google Maps and Waze

If we have to make a choice or say in favor of one, then we must know everything that makes them similar, and things that make them better or apart.

Both are owned by Google. Both the sections have their special features. Both are run by the same company, so many software features are the same. Both can be operated through phones and tablets. Both can run on Android and IOS.

Differences between Google Maps and Waze

In deciding to choose between two services or products, a person should know their similarities as well as their differences, and in this case, the differences are in more numbers.


Google Maps has all the features, including water, public transport, and even cab features for customers, whereas Waze is centered on driving and mainly all the features resemble cars.


As far as Google Maps goes if we talk about features where we can store even maps offline and move from one place to another, whereas in Waze, everything is online, so it always needs a data connection to work.


Just as Maggie is known as a student and youth saver, Google Maps is used by everyone and is useful for many purposes, such as long walks, information about public transport, and knowing nearby famous places. But, on Waze, all we can get is information regarding the fastest route to a place and other features which may assist in between the destination.

Google Maps has special features where a person can put information about their business, which includes an address, phone number, and shop times, whereas these are not available on Waze.


Google Maps uses an old and conventional interface with basic designs so that any person can use them easily, but if we talk about Waze, its interface is a bit more advanced with more driving features and the latest designs. Different language options are also available on Waze.

The Waze interface is intended to assist drivers of cars and vans in better understanding the road and getting there as quickly as possible.

Ease of route:

This is one of the most important features that maps should have; routes that are open in real-time data and can help reach on time. Google Maps uses an old method and thus it doesn’t have proper road knowledge, but the roads that are there are 100% open, whereas Waze has road knowledge, and to avoid traffic, sometimes it also puts people on the wrong paths.


Waze has different customization options through which a driver can make different setups depending upon their preference. It has a music facility, audio calls, Bluetooth, and other facilities as well. Google Maps uses an old conventional method and has very few customizations.

Waze vs Google Maps: CONCLUSION

Both the applications have their usage and different customer bases. If we sum up everything available, then we can clearly understand that Waze has been specially designed for drivers who may be cab drivers or local visitors, but Google Maps is designed for all sorts of things that a person might need if he/she visits a new place. It includes all kinds of businesses; medical facilities’ addresses; local shops; and everything a person might need.

So Waze is suitably best for drivers, and Google Maps is good for all sorts of travel.