The perks themselves have seen a major overhaul, and now even non-combat skills have some decent advantages. Small Arms, for instance, has eight separate perks available, while Lock Picking has none and Armor Modding only has a single perk available all the way at the end when you hit Level 10.
Combat Skills and Perks
Automatic Weapons
Big Guns
Melee Combat
Small Arms
Sniper Rifles
Exploration Skills and Perks
Animal Whisperer
Armor Modding
First Aid
Hard Ass
Kiss Ass
Nerd Stuff
Sneaky Shit
Toaster Repair
Weapon Modding
Weird Science
General Perks
Every character can take these General perks regardless of which skills they have available. It’s possible there may be more earned through gameplay — these are just the perks available when you hit Level 4.
Stay tuned for a full lineup of Wasteland 3 tips and hints.