In short, it’s a lot like those Dark Legacy rumors WB claimed were false earlier in 2020, including the outside regions and taking place in the 1800s.
Players create their own witch or wizard character and attend Hogwarts. All the usual classes make their appearance, from care of magical creatures to potions and herbology.
But the adventure lies outside the classroom. Some kind of ancient and forbidden knowledge waits to be uncovered, and everything learned at Hogwarts gets put to the test in the real world.
The Hogwarts Legacy trailer showed glimpses of several locations, from caves and ancient ruins to fields full of magical creatures both friend and foe.
The real test is deciding how the story unfolds. Once players get their hands on the Ancient Magic, it’s up to them whether they give in to the dark side.
Hogwarts Legacy launches sometime in 2021 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, the Xbox Series family, Xbox One, and PC. Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Hogwarts Legacy news as it develops.