Walmart is famous for its firing and rehiring policy. The company offers ‘at-will’ contracts. The company is not required to provide the worker with any reason behind the cessation of the service. Walmart does not encourage unwanted, lazy, and unruly behavior and has strict laws to suspend such employees if it is not deleterious to the employees or the company. Employees are given points based on their behavior. This company does not provide any prior termination notice to the employee, but Walmart is not allowed to remove any employee based on race, religion, marital status, color, creed, physical or mental disability, and sex. Read further to know more about the rehiring procedure.

What is the rehiring procedure?

 If you are terminated based on issues that have no relation to the work ethics, then you are liable to re-apply after 90 days. You can re-apply after six months or a year if you are fired based on unruly behavior. You can apply to the previous store or a new one. You are not eligible if you are axed based on harassment, theft, or extreme behavior. Then you are not permitted to be hired again.

How to apply for Walmart?

The annual income of a full-time employee can range from $20,000 to $30,000. The employee needs the abilities like flexibility, communication skills, attention to detail, customer service skills, and multitasking, and if you think you can make it apply directly on the official Walmart website, where you send your application. The applicant can apply through employment-oriented online services like LinkedIn.

Can Walmart hire a 14-year-old?

Can a 14-year-old work at Walmart? No, a 14-year-old can not work at Walmart. An internship at Walmart can help you earn $8 to $56 per hour. The pay range differs based on the work profile. The full-time Internship salary at Walmart is around $17 per hour. According to Federal Law, a 14-year-old cannot work at Walmart. Federal Law prohibits juveniles to work at Walmart under the age group of 16. These restrictions are imposed because the company Walmart sells liquor and tobacco products, and the curtailment is the result of the license, which helps stock and sell these products.


Walmart is famous for its firing and rehiring policy. The applicant is hired in ‘at-will’ contracts that allow the company to take any actions regarding the termination of the employee without any beforehand notice. Though, this company can not remove any individual based on discrimination. To apply for rehiring, an employee with no work ethics issues from the preceding job can apply after 90 days. A person with issues regarding behavior is allowed to apply after six months to a year. And in the situation where the ex-employee is accused or caught on the terms of theft, assault, or harassment. They are unlikely to be rehired. To apply for jobs at Walmart, the job applicant can visit their official website and connect through social platforms like LinkedIn. 

Frequently asked questions:

What is the rehiring policy in Walmart?

For rehiring, the applicant must wait for 90 days to six months or even a year. The rehiring depends on the purpose you left the job or the cause you were terminated from Walmart. It is advisable if you communicate with your store manager. But Walmart will not rehire policy you if you were firing for serious issues, and you won’t be eligible to apply for a job. The applicant should know about the dress code, calling in sick, and other rehire policy before applying for firing Walmart. You can apply through LinkedIn and the official website of Walmart.

What is the basis through which Walmart can fire you?

Any employee who disturbs the functions of a smooth-running store can lead to the employee’s termination. They are fired based on the point system. The five points in six months can lead to the termination of the employee. 

How to prepare for the Walmart interview?

To excel in your Walmart interview, you must study the role you are opting for. You need to do your research and understand the interview structure. Visit the store before as a consumer. Be ready for questions and prepare for yourself. 

At what age can I apply for jobs in Walmart?

The candidate who wants to apply for a job application in Walmart must be 16 years. This age limit is set because this company sells liquor and tobacco products. The federal law has prohibited those under 16 from working in such stores.