Walmart Assessment Test
With 2.3 million people hired and probably many more applying for jobs at Walmart as a cashier, front end workers, order filler, personal shoppers, or any post or work type they all will need to pass the assessment test designed for all Walmart new employees.
Walmart prefers that an employee should pass the examination before joining. Applicants can avail many preparation materials and quick tests or practice tests on the internet too. There are different kinds of assessments for different jobs.
Number of Questions:
The test contains 65 questions.
Division of the test paper:
All answers to the questions depend on what role you are applying for. They are divided into sections-
Customer Service ScenariosProblem Solving at WorkWork Experience QuestionnairePersonality Questionnaire
Each section has its criteria and is based on either customer, cash transactions, or general work history.
Time given to the candidates:
The test is not time bound, you can patiently give the exam without worrying about time.
These are the particular areas covered through questions in the assessment: –
Section 1- In this section, you will have to answer questions related to your ability to deal with customers and their queries that arise during shopping at WalmartSection 2- This section comprises questions related to your ability to handle cash at the store, for example- the cashier’s jobSection 3- In this part questions are related to your work experience and personal background, such as your strength and weaknessesSection 4- This section contains questions that assess your work style and whether you are fit for the job. It contains questions that need you to ‘agree’ or ‘disagree’
Before your assessment starts there will be some steps you need to go through.
Firstly, you need to register by opening an account where all your records will be kept in the employment portal.
Secondly, you will be called for an interview and considered if you are a good match. The next step would be taking the assessment test.
What Preparation Tests Are Taken Through The Assessment Course: –
Tests that are aimed at any job title at Walmart are focused on the kind of work. To prepare for the particular position, you can register for a preparation test or course too. There are mainly 6 preparation tests that you can take according to the role of the job: –
Walmart Maintenance Assessment Test- Test preparation for candidates looking for jobs in maintenance
Walmart TEA Assessment Test Prep- Test Preparation for candidates who are required to take a TEA test or Teaming Employment Assessment, to work in a leading role
Walmart General Assessment Test Prep- Test Preparation for candidates who are looking for part-time or hourly jobs such as cashier, front end, or others.
Walmart Manager Assessment Test Prep- Test preparation for candidates who are looking for managerial positions
Walmart Supervisor Assessment Test Prep- Test preparation for candidates looking for jobs as supervisors
Walmart Supply Chain Assessment Test Prep- Test preparation for those who are looking for positions in the supply chain department
There are many conditions and criteria involved in every assessment concerning the positions you are applying for. Since every role has its distinguished responsibility, you need to be assessed before entirely given the job.
What Can You Predict From the Scores?
Walmart tests will say you either failed or passed. When you get your scores back your result will be marked red- meaning failed or green- meaning passed. The scores depend on how many answers you have given. You must answer all the sections given in the test or there is a slim chance of passing. Once you fail a test you cannot apply for another one until six months. Also, if you pass you will get a call from their HR. So, you need to be well prepared for the test and answer the overall questions given.
The Walmart assessment test predicts the candidate’s capabilities and understanding of dealing with customers, working with co-workers, and as supervisors. The test comprises all kinds of questions or information an employee should acknowledge when seeking a job at Walmart. If you know that you are capable of any of the positions you have the opportunity to prepare yourself undoubtedly.
Are the assessment preparations available on YouTube?
Yes, they are available. But you can’t get help much from only videos
Can I take the test again?
Yes, you can after 6 months
What are the chances of getting hired even if I failed a test?
The chances are 99% to be hired again.