Does Walgreen’s prescription have a return policy?

No, you cannot return the prescription to the company. If there is any mistake in the prescription, you can contact them. It is necessary to check the prescription before taking it. You can only return the over-the-counter medicines if they aren’t used, and you can return the medicine within 30 days from the purchase. You cannot send the receipt back or send it through an offline or online process. If you have an issue regarding the prescription, you can contact the customer service or company. You cannot use this prescription or resell it.

Can I return the prescription taken from Walgreen?

It doesn’t accept the prescription, and you cannot return it at the store. There are different policies for the products that allow you to return them but for the prescription, there is no such policy. It is only accepted if there is a mistake in the prescription or something else. You can contact customer service or email them regarding your problem, and they will contact you as they receive your complaint. You can directly go to the Walgreen local store if you see any mistake in the prescription. Therefore, you cannot return the document.

Why can’t I return the prescription?

The reason behind this is the return policy of Walgreen has some restrictions by the government that they cannot accept any prescription. Also, some people keep the medicines and show the fake medicine so that the company has to give a refund. It can also be dangerous for people if the medicine gets into the wrong hands. Things can be complicated if they start taking the prescription for everyone, and you always have to check the receipt properly before buying it. Therefore, the Walgreen company doesn’t accept the return for the product. It is a good decision for the people and the law.

Can you return the OTC?

Yes, you can return the over-the-counter medicines within 30 days after the purchase. These medicines are not getting sold because they need proper documents to buy them. They verify the papers, and then they give the product. It is necessary to submit an id proof for the otc medicines. Over-the-counter medicines are not bound by the law, and they are not reused or resold. Walgreen does accept otc medicine because of these reasons. You can go to the store and return the medicine or return it through an online procedure.

Can you return the open medicines over the counter?

You cannot return the otc medicines, and the Walgreen store doesn’t accept them. You can use the over-the-counter or dispose of it safely somewhere. None of the stores will take open over-the-counter medicines. If you don’t dispose of this medicine properly, it can cause severe damage. Once the otc medicine, you cannot return it, and none of the stores will take it. If you misuse the otc, it could be dangerous for you and the surrounding. Therefore, the otc is not taken in the Walgreen stores.

What to do about the unwanted medicines?

You can try to dispose of it safely and correctly.  

If these medicines aren’t disposed of correctly, it can cause a severe health issue for someone who will consume it.  

None of the pharmacy stores take unwanted medicines and products.  

Walgreen has a safe disposal program for unused, expired, unwanted pills.  

Most Walgreen stores have a place for unwanted drugs.

You don’t have to pay any fees for disposing of the product.  

You have to dispose of it safely and make people aware of this program.

People must dispose of unwanted otc medicines.


There is no policy for prescription returns, and you cannot return the prescription unless it contains any errors. You cannot return the prescription due to some restrictions by the government, and it can be harmful if people use it for their benefit. There is a policy of 30 days return but it is not applicable for prescriptions. It is necessary to check the receipt and then buy the product. You can also contact customer services about your problem and explain to them about the issues. There are no refund or return policies for prescription medicine, and it is the responsibility of all the citizens to dispose of their medicine.