A young named Binay Pradhan, who was going on the Bhubaneswar-Jaleswar parkway on Thursday, had seen the icon attached to a rope dangling from the van and shot the occasion, which later became a web sensation.


As the video circulated around the web, netizens unequivocally denounced the imprudent way in which the icon was being conveyed and requested a conciliatory sentiment from the people liable for it.

Afterward, the tent house proprietor and his staff visited a Jagannath sanctuary in Jaleswar and asked for pardon for their misstep.

The tent proprietor said the symbol was introduced in a Ganesh puja pandal in Balasore and after submersion of the Ganesh icon, the Jagannath icon alongside different materials were being shipped to his old neighborhood Jaleswar.

“I was out of station on that day. As my laborers are non-Odia individuals, they sisn’t have some familiarity with our opinions with Lord Jagganth. Anything my laborers have done is truly shocking. I might want to apologize for harming the feelings of Jagannath lovers. I won’t ever commit such misstep in future,” the tent house proprietor said.