The residents who live in the Keonjhar locale accept that the crowd of kind sized elephants had taken a beverage from their huge pots — which were being utilized to age a conventional Indian liquor called “mahua” — and dropped, as per the Press Trust of India.

“We went into the wilderness at around 6 a.m. to get ready mahua and observed that every one of the pots were broken and the matured water [was] missing,” resident Naria Sethi told the Press Trust of India. “We likewise observed that the elephants were resting. They polished off the aged water and become inebriated.” The residents couldn’t wake the sleeping elephants, so they called untamed life authorities who got drums to make a sufficiently noisy clamor to awaken them, as indicated by The Sunday Times. When awoken, the elephants dissipated from the scene.

Kartick Satyanarayan, a CEO of Natural life SOS, a non-benefit that helps salvage and restore natural life in India, let The Times know that he feels quite skeptical about the story on the grounds that “typically one elephant pays special attention to the remainder of the group, so it appears to be a piece uncommon.” Yet, he likewise noticed that mahua is a #1 among Indian wild elephants. “They love it. It’s unadulterated, it’s delicious, and it’s strong,” Satyanarayan said.

“At the point when they smell it, they can stick their trunks into kitchens or separate walls to get to it. Once got done, they stumble back home, bringing down the odd tree or house on the way.”

Be that as it may, the elephants’ affection for mahua can once in a while turn destructive.

In April, The Hours of India revealed that a group of elephants had killed five individuals in the Jaisingh Nagar timberland range who had been gathering mahua inside a range of two days.

J S Chouhan, boss natural life superintendent in Madhya Pradesh, told the Hours of India that he gave an admonition to residents to avoid woods regions, where elephants were spotted, and quit blending mahua on the grounds that elephants would have the option to smell it.

There have been other comparable stories enlightened over the course of the years concerning elephant frenzies potentially because of drinking liquor.

In any case, Steve Morris, a scholar at the College of Bristol in Britain, told Public Geographic that “elephants delicately warm their cerebrums with matured natural products,” and there is no proof to propose that elephants can become inebriated.