Tire Warranty

You demand a lot from our vehicle’s tires. You expect them to carry your vehicle’s weight, and run smoothly in extreme weather conditions. Sometimes, your tires don’t last as long as you expect them to. Thus, a company usually provides a tire warranty based on road hazards, mileage, etc.

Regarding the type of tire warranty offered by Velozza, it provides the customers a Milestone Tire Warranty, wherein you can drive your vehicle to a certain distance before claiming the warranty. Furthermore, Velozza offers a 40K mileage warranty! This indicates that you can claim this warranty if your set of tires starts getting damaged before you have covered the 40K distance. In addition to this, Velozza also provides a one-year Road Hazard Protection program!

Types of a Tire Warranty

When you go looking for a new pair of tires, you will be offered different types of tire warranties. Here are some listed below to make things a tad easier for you!

Mileage Warranty:

Mileage warranty, also known as tread life warranty, usually covers the tires offered by a manufacturer for a period of 4 to 6 six years, depending on the manufacturer. This warranty usually promises that you will get a certain number of mileages covered before the pair of tires start wearing out. Thus, if your tires start wearing out before the expected time, the manufacturer will offer a refund or exchange. 

However, to claim your refund, you will have to provide sufficient proof that you had your tires rotated every six months as per your manufacturer’s advice. 

Quality and Materials Warranty:

This tire warranty covers the product for 5 to 6 years from the date of purchase and offers a refund or exchange if the product is damaged due to any material used in the manufacturing process. However, to claim this warranty, you must prove that your lack of maintenance doesn’t cause the damage.

Limited Road Hazard Warranty:

This warranty covers your pair of tires for over a year or two, depending on the manufacturer. The manufacturer offers some respite if the product is damaged due to potholes or other road hazards. To claim this, you have to make sure that the tire is not repairable.

Uniformity Warranty:

You can claim this warranty if you start noticing some disturbance in one of the tires of your vehicle in the first year of the product’s purchase. However, since these instances occur very rarely, most manufacturers do not offer this type of warranty.

Trial Period:

Some companies are prone to offering customers the product for 30-45 days, depending on the manufacturer. This period of 30-45 days is known as a trial period, and if you, for some reason, do not like the product, you can return it to the manufacturer. However, most manufacturers only offer to replace the previous tires with a new ones.

Advantages of using Velozza Tires

Now that we have looked at the types of warranties manufacturers offer, let’s look at the benefits of Velozza. Some of them are:

Velozza offers the lowest tire price guarantee to the customers! At Velozza, they aim to compare their prices with competitors and then offer their products at the best price. Velozza offers free lifetime tire rotation service to the customers. They provide tire rotation on tires you buy every six months. One of the most spell-bounding benefits they offer is that if you do not feel satisfied with their product within 30 days, you can offer to trade them at the total price!


While looking for a new set of tires, you have to make sure to explore more first. When you explore more and get to know the types of warranties that manufacturers offer, you should pick one that suits you best. For instance, if you often travel to an area where the streets are pretty damaged, you should look for Limited Road Hazard Warranty. Then, once you get the warranty that suits you best, you can effectively use the product to your benefit!

What is a warranty?

A warranty is a written agreement provided by a manufacturer when you purchase their products. In this, the manufacturer promises to either replace or repair the damaged item if it gets weary before the specified amount of time.

Is warranty essential?

Yes, getting a warranty for the products you purchase is quite essential. It comes in handy if the product is damaged quite sometime before expected.

What type of warranty does Velozza offer?

Velozza offers a Mileage Warranty.