The number of commands and cheats is vast and covers all sorts of helpful features for both solo and multiplayer modes. But before using the inputs below, you must first activate them. Please note that inputs are case-sensitive, and you do not need to include the brackets.
How to Enable Valheim Console Commands
If you’re playing solo, then these lines are available at any time. But if you’re playing on a multiplayer server, only the server host has access to them.
Either way, here’s what you need to do to enable them:
Press “F5” during gameplay Type “imacheater” in the console that appears Press “Enter” to confirm
Valheim Console Commands and Cheats List
Those are all console commands in Valheim. Though the list pales in comparison to some other games, killing all nearby enemies and taming all nearby creatures, for example, are perfect for those just wanting to build and craft. Perhaps others will be added in the future! For more, consider heading over to our guides on marking map locations, finding copper, and building your base.